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By Marc de Sélincourt.

Do we know that there existed in France, at the beginning of the 20th century, a mosque six and a half centuries old?

In the 21st century, the only remaining trace of this history is the rue Mahomet in Buzancy (08)

As in many things, revisionists find it difficult to admit the facts. On the photo, we can clearly see the crescent on the roof, as well as the shape of the openings!!!

The coat of arms of Anglure and the religious building clearly attest to membership in Islam. Besides, if this mosque stayed for 650 years in the Ardennes, it was not a coincidence. But a real desire of the owner. Because once returned, in his countries, nothing obliged the local lord perpetuated this.


My dear Horeau,

When you published your plan to build a mosque in Paris a short time ago. Project that the Oriental Society has so well welcomed, I warn you that a mosque has already existed in France since the 12th century and if you seemed eager to know the details as well as the history of its foundation. It is to meet your desire that I address this letter to you, first warning you that the monument in question is hardly known today by archaeologists and that in the country itself many people ignore its first destination.

It is said that a lord of high lineage Pierre d'Anglure from Champagne who, like so many others resolved to go and defend the cross in the Holy Land, arrived in Palestine and made a name for himself through his many prowess.

One day when he was wounded in a meeting with the enemy, the Saracens took him prisoner. Our knight was brought before the famous Saladin (Salahudin al-Ayyoubi) sultan of Egypt who had his wounds healed and treated him with the respect that a crusader was far from expecting.

His captivity was long. The Sire of Anglure had made himself visible to the Sultan and had given him many proofs of his loyalty. He got the gentleman's word to go and get his ransom himself.

Gifted with an ardent and chivalrous soul he gave the example of virtues unknown until then to his subjects and surprised them by an urbanity that the Orientals would have called weakness if they had not known the courage of their sultan. Besides, he left the luxury and the pleasures of his court only to march to new fights

always crowned with victory.

Once again Saladin had wanted to show the Franks that his confidence in the word given was boundless and he was curious to make sure that the Christian knights scrupulously observed these maxims of good faith and delicacy which they boasted of so much D'Anglure had barely arrived in his homes when he sold part of his heritage after which he resumed his way to the Sultan's residence followed by his squire and two mules carrying the money for his redemption.

Now it happened that on the way several accidents almost deprived the knight of the riches he was carrying and it was only by dint of courage and perseverance that he succeeded at the end of his journey, however not without hindrance because he lost an eye in it in a fight he had to fight. Finally he arrived at the Sultan's court and hastened to deposit the promised ransom at his feet. At this sight Saladin admiring the loyalty of this old warrior welcomed him. Then he returned his ransom, showered him with presents and sent him back to his homeland.

He put however conditions there is that returned to his homes he would give the name of Saladin to all his male descendants, replace his old coat of arms which were gold with the cross of sand by bells and croissants and finally build on his land a temple in honor of Allah.

The arms of Anglure are emblazoned as follows: gold strewn with silver bells supported each by a crescent of mouths.

These conditions were religiously carried out and the Sire of Anglure returned to his homes and erected a mosque.

This is my dear Horeau, the history of this monument now, I owe you a description. Do not expect to see a marvel of a Thousand and One Nights, the good knight despite the generosity of the Sultan was poor and it is at most if he had enough to keep his promise.

The village of Buzancy is located in the Ardennes department on the road from Vouziers to Stenay. To the north and on the upper part of the village is a building that the locals call the Mohammed is our mosque. This edifice, constructed of large cut stones, is square in shape and maintained by large, slightly protruding spurs. We still see under the cord of the entablature a large number of ancient figures as well as several symbolic characters, the door turned towards the side. Orient is arched and adorned with balusters as for the other openings, they are certainly after the construction of the building and consist of three irregular bays practiced on each face in two thirds of the height. The cover of the monument is in the form of a lowered pyramid and composed of slabs superimposed on each other Until recently the mosque had always been maintained either by the various owners who succeeded each other until the revolution or by the local authority . Alas, it was reserved for magistrates little concerned with history to touch the first to the monument raised by the recognition of a French knight. The local authority has obtained authorization for a few years to make the necessary changes there to establish a school for both sexes, and you will see young Giaours in clogs walking on the slabs of the Mohammed.

Signed by Eschavannes. "

(1) Jouffroy d'Eschavanne was a soldier (navy). Archivist of the Société Orientale de Paris and member of the Archaeological Academy of Madrid

(2) Hector Horeau: born in 1801, was an architect. Passionate about iron and glass construction. He worked at the meeting of the Louvre and the Tuileries. He received the 1st prize in London for his exhibition center (built by Paxton).



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