Knights Times.
Animation Touristic Culturel
Templars Monuments and Loire Valley.
Visites de Monuments Templiers.
Animation Touristique Culturel
Châteaux Templiers et Vallée de la Loire.
The Templars or Poor Knights of Christ of the Temple of Solomon were from the beginning, around 1119, dedicated to the war since Huges de Payens and his companions form a small troop to defend the pilgrims. In 1128 Huges de Payens goes to the West and asks St Bernard with whom he is undoubtedly related, to establish a rule for the "Militia Christie" it is adopted by the Council of Troyes in 1128 his costume is determined but it is only in April 1147 that Pope Eugene III will add the Red Cross.
What is a House, Baillie, Preceptorie or more commonly from the 16th a Commanderie.
It is initially the type of unit, administrative and report, erected first for the recruitment of fighters and subsidies then sent to the Holy Land.
In a second time, it will be that of establishment used to reward for services rendered the knights returning from Rhodes or Malta and even from the 17th of retirement homes for the old and faithful servants of the Faith.
Of similar architecture four enclosing walls with towers at the four corners and a chapel to the south. They remain a mark of our heritage. At the end of the XIII centuries the number of commanderies is of the order of thousand in the west. France Spain, Portugal, England.
On the Holy Road pilgrims exposing themselves to serious dangers on unsafe roads, they entrust to the houses of the Temple their fortune against an attestation (real letter of credit) payable in any Templar or Commandery.
The commanderies are mainly farms managed with great care. In addition, they are at least near a communication route and if we draw the map of the roads of Saint Jacques and that we juxtapose with that of the locations of Commanderies, we realize that most of these are very close to the Grand Chemin.
Knight Times takes it to heart to believe that these monuments for some lost over time, but for others filled with true legend and story can not be abandoned.
What do we owe to our seniors and knights of our past a place of cultural rest and history is only the least. At Knights Times our group tours and debate of eight participants begins on an historical artistically creative ground with overflowing history.
Our tours include various private Templar sites, their historical situation in the Temple order, their legends, their writings, sculptures left by the monks Templars and all of the fortifications or rural settlement of these buildings.
All visits are different by the choice of course during the year.
These tours extend to at least two days lunch, hotel evening and debates are organized by Knights Times.
The journeys are made by mini bus on the flank of surprising countryside in all seasons.
Just click on Events to view upcoming visits and book your participation.